Walking into the unknown will have 1 out of 2 outcomes. Either its successful and you make a great discover for your life. Or you fall flat on your face and forced to start over. As I’m writing this I know that this is advice that I would give someone if they were me. See I have ideas and things that I think that would be great for others to enjoy. But my fear of falling on my face keeps me from jumping.
Oh that good old fashion fear, I have written plenty of posts about you. As well as some motivating ones that tell you to just jump and forget about fear. But we are all humans, so I would say to myself. Think it through, breathe, and go at your pace. It’s funny how we as people are always ready to give advice on the smallest things. Rather it’s what food to feed your pet, what car is of better quality than others, oh my favorite, how one should raise their children. But we forget that we don’t take to well to advice ourselves, because let’s be honest it can be overwhelming. Not being able to think for yourself.
We are in a culture where everything is being told to you on how you should act, what to wear, where to go, and etc. Everything is based on a trend, even giving advice. Geesh, no wonder people are afraid to take a leap on faith and are fearful for everything. It’s like a bad omen if you decide to go against the norm. But WATCH OUT!!!! Because if it works out in your favor there is 2 outcomes. One you will be a trendsetter and now you have leaching. Yes, you heard me, with success comes a price. How many sleepless nights, how many opportunities passed up on, and time you missed with loved ones. But on the other hand if you fail, those same issues I just named are also sacrifices. Along with your pride, your now a laughing-stock to some, and your courage can be broken as well.
I know people read blogs, and posts looking for answers. But really you have to give yourself that ultimate answer. Ask yourself this, will you feel better or worse not trying no matter the outcome? Or better or worse trying no matter the outcome? Nobody can tell you what’s best for you better than you. Remember, no one will have to answer to your life choices but yourself. I hope that helped, because now I just gave myself another boost.
Thanks for reading… SimplyBetty101