Struggles of Adulthood

What I don’t understand is that people have the preconceived notion that once a person turns 18 years of age they are now adults and can make rational adult decisions. I’m sorry to break it to society but a person who has only been in the world for less than 20 years cannot make correct adult decisions.

For example, college financial aid and career choices. Society really expects young adults who have never filled out an financial document before in their lives to then undergo a big financial risk of applying for student loans without the full understanding of the total impact it can have on their future. As well as select a profession that they will endure for the rest of their lives. You do see the downfall to this plan correct? There is no guidance to how to navigate adulthood until one has entered into their 20s and is force to learn hard knocks of life in order to survive until their 30s. So now people are spending their 30s correcting mistakes they did in their 20s, so that they can at least enjoy their 40s and so forth. Now I’m no mathematician but that is almost most of some of our lives creating and correcting debt that was accumulated because there is no concept of raising kids to be adults.

You always hear the notion let kids be kids, but where is the underline of teaching kids to become functioning adults who can make correct decisions. Now I could get into the aesthetics of the billion dollar industry to keep people in debt so that the country can monetize off of it. But this is not a conspiracy chase blog and I’m not a conspiracy theory chaser. So with that being said wouldn’t it be a great idea to throw away half of the bull crap our public and private schools teach. Start with just teaching the basics then allowing a child to hone in on their skills to then conquer that into a profession. I mean how is it that we have so many smart and intelligent children but yet we are behind other countries and our teachings are lagging. Now I’m not blaming our teachers by any means, I know there is a stupid structure that is setup to 1. not paying teachers enough, 2. children are being rushed though, the no child left behind bull, 3. children are not challenged enough and not taken seriously, 4. teachers are stressed to the max because the statistics of children failing and having to deal with parents not understanding why their child is failing, 5. and if children are not performing and fitting into a box they are quickly shuffled off as being ADD/ADHD, which is just lazy.

So let’s just recap the struggles of people going into adulthood. First, kids are not taught or shown how to make adult decisions before they are thrown into the lion’s den. Second, the billion mistakes that are made in our 20s we will then spend the rest of our lives trying to correct. Finally, the system that is here to teach our children is seriously broken between the stressed out teachers, students, and parents. So as a parent I will definitely be picking up the slack that this North American school system has been lacking. Yes, parents should be teaching their kids anyway but we do know that everyone’s circumstances are different. So if your a parent just remember any lessons that can be taught to a child that can prepare them for the real adult life that is up ahead, please entrust them with that knowledge.